How to Get Out of a Clothing Style Rut

How to Get Out of a Clothing Style Rut

Are you in a style rut with your clothes? Whether it's wearing shirts that were in vogue when Disco was king, or whether you by the same pair of black pants every time you go shopping, sometimes you just know you need a change. Luckily, escaping a style rut is a relatively painless process. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Honest friend

Friend whose personal style you admire


Assess the problem. Typically, there are three reasons you're in a rut: you wear clothes that were stylish 20 years ago; you buy clothes that are too young for you; or, you wear the same "uniform" every day because you're too busy or too scared to make other choices. Determine which of the three is your specific problem.


Be brutal with your closet. With the help of a friend whose taste you admire, go through your closet and make "toss" and "donate" piles for the clothing that you've determined you shouldn't wear anymore.


Work out a clothing budget. You need to replace all of those clothes, right? Decide how much money you're able to allocate to clothing over the next couple of months. This will determine how many pieces of new clothing you'll buy--and at what price points you can shop.


Go shopping. Take along your fashion-forward friend to hit the mall. Remember to take some risks when you're trying clothes on; but don't cave in and buy something you know you'll never wear just because your pal tells you it's all the rage. You still need to be comfortable with your choices.


Make a standing appointment to update your closet. Every 6 months to a year, reassess your clothing so you don't go another 20 years as a fashion don't.

Tips & Warnings

If you aren't able to pinpoint where you're going wrong in your fashion choices, ask an honest, yet tactful, friend or loved one to help you.

If you find a piece of clothing in a style that you love, buy it in several colors.